Grand vision

Plan Purpose

The Parks, Arts, Recreation, and Open Space Master Plan will serve as the roadmap to guide short- and long-term priorities for the parks, arts, and recreation system in Grand Prairie over the next ten years.

As Grand Prairie continues to grow and change, the City must continue to evaluate parks and recreation amenities, programs, and facilities.

The goals of this plan are to:

  • Account for progress made since the 2017 master plan was adopted.
  • Assess current and future system needs.
  • Gain broad community feedback through a variety of engagement strategies.
  • Determine a community vision for parks, arts, recreation, and open space.
  • Develop a prioritized implementation plan to guide future investments.
Project Timeline for the Grand Vision Master Plan

Ways to stay involved

Your opinion matters!

Please join us for the following engagement opportunities to share your Grand Vision for the future of Parks, Arts, and Recreation in Grand Prairie.

  • Statistically Valid Survey (Early 2025)
    • A random selection of Grand Prairie residents will get this survey in the mail so be on the lookout!
  • Online Community Survey (Spring 2025)
    • Open to all who recreate, play, and/or live in Grand Prairie!
  • Citywide Public Meetings (Winter)
  • Citywide Public Meetings (Fall)
    • Dates to be determined
  • Community Engagement Booths
    • Texas Country Reporter Festival (April 26)
    • Main Street Fest (October 24-26)

Stay Informed

Your input is essential in creating a vibrant, inclusive, and sustainable parks and recreation system for Grand Prairie.

Through surveys, public meetings, and community events, we invite you to share your vision and help shape the next decade of parks, arts, and open spaces.

Stay tuned for updates and future engagement opportunities. Follow along, get involved, and help us create a plan that reflects the needs and aspirations of our growing community.