Cyclin' with the Mayor - Fish Creek Ride

22下午 6:00Cyclin' with the Mayor - Fish Creek Ride


Join Mayor Ron Jensen for 5-mile bike rides. Riders of all ages and skill levels are encouraged to join the casual ride.
Meet at 6 p.m. Ride begins at 6:30 p.m.
Thursday, June 22, 2023
Starrett Elementary 2675 Fairmont
作为 Get Fit GP 社区健康计划的一部分,市长 Ron Jensen 在 4 月至 11 月期间每月举办一次自行车骑行活动。这些游乐设施每个月都有不同的路线,并且节奏轻松。 了解有关 Get Fit GP 的更多信息



June 22, 2023 6:00 pm(格林威治标准时间+00:00)